Discover our expertly curated collection of frames to suit all tastes and budgets. We have invested heavily in sourcing frames from all parts of the world, including exclusive designer ranges. Choose frames from famous names such as Tom Ford and Victoria Beckham to boutique collections from Anne et Valentin and l.a Eyeworks.
Our unique collection of frames is always being updated to keep you on trend. Buy your new glasses with us and you are guaranteed to stand out from the crowd.
You’ll get lots of advice and time to make sure your new glasses suit your face, personality and lifestyle.
Sunglasses aren’t just for the summer. Pop them on any time your eyes are exposed to UV light. It doesn’t matter what age you are, as sunlight encourages premature aging of the eyes. Driving, sport or enjoying the outdoors, choose from our range of high quality ready-to-wear and prescription sunglasses.
All our sunglasses have the “CE” Mark or British Standard, which ensures they offer a safe level of UV protection.
Seeing clearly is our top priority for you. We are a Zeiss specialised lens practice, which offers a range of single and multifocal lenses. We also can supply lenses from Essilor, Hoya and other lens brands if required. We use laboratories with which we have long-standing relationships and quick turnarounds.
Lens technology is developing all the time. By using thin and light weight lenses, we can improve comfort as well as making them look and feel great.
Other new innovations such as DriveSafe lenses, office lenses and progressive lenses can personalise your glasses just for you. Ask us about these at your next visit. Better vision for work and leisure.
Zeiss Vision Profile
Take our Zeiss vision profile to find out which Zeiss lens solution is best for you. Answer a few quick questions about your lifestyle and eye health and Zeiss will recommend lenses personalised for you. Scan the QR code and bring your results in to us and we’ll supply you with the lenses for your new glasses.